CADS: For drone mapping, photography, videography, and aerial inspection solutions
CADS: For drone mapping, photography, videography, and aerial inspection solutions
* - Prices are subject to change without notice.
Definition: Total 'Engine Hours' duration of flight(s) plus all on or off-site preparations relating to sUAS/UAV flight operations as per CADS' standard operating procedures (SOPs), including the post-flight disassembly and stowage of aircraft and related ancillary equipment (GPS ground control points pads, flight operations physical notifiers such as Beware of Operations signs, high viz bollardsetc.).
Definition: Any and all operations relating to post-flight computer and online processing of GPS/GNSS/GCP GIS mapping and photo'/photogrammetry/video data.
Definition: "Post Processing" includes the up/downloading of data from aircraft/digital storage devices, and the processing/rendering of that data to produce a final product (e.g., geolocated photomosaic maps and/or high resolution photographs or video).
Defintion: Any and all costs associated with the uploading/downloading of Cloud-based data (e.g., customer's photo'/video files) relating to third party server bandwidth usage per Gigabyte(Gb).
Definition and Example: A typical orthomosaic map comprised of 400 individual photographs with an average size of 125Mb per photo' would generate a 36Gb upload / 36Gb download (72Gb total) resulting in an Internet data handling/storage/usage cost of $90.00.
Definition: Travel costs per kilometer from CADS home base to customer's location for BOTH the OUTGOING and RETURN legs, plus any additional per diem expenses for jobs requiring CADS personnel to be on site for more than eight (8) hours, or for jobs requiring two or more days to complete. In such cases, meal and overnight accommodation costs would be incurred at the customer's expense, at cost (receipts provided).
Note: Jobs requiring less than 50 km total round trip distance traveled from CADS base of operations will NOT incur portal-to-portal charges. * - Travel cost per kilometer is calculated for BOTH LEGS of the journey with a cap of $300.00 portal-to-portal fee for any round trip within central Alberta of more than 500 kms (e.g., from our base of operations to Edmonton or Lethbridge, return.)
Note: Jobs requiring less than six hours total time to complete, including travel time, will NOT incur per diem costs. In certain circumstances (e.g., jobs requiring two or more days away from base) a negotiated agreement between CADS and the customer based on calculated accommodation/meal invoice totals may be arranged beforehand. Otherwise, the standard per diem fees will apply.
Definition: Any and all costs asociated with providing the customer with digital and/or physical media required for the successful completion of a job. For example, a customer may request a large scale print of a photograph, a Blu-Ray/DVD of their video, or a digital copy of their photographic and video media loaded onto a USB flash drive. The cost of the physical media and the time required to produce the final product (not directly related to Post Production processing) may be classified as
Note: Quotes are good for 30 days from date of issue. Invoices are due and payable upon receipt.
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Aircraft + 5 Batteries + Nanuk 935 Case + 7 ND Filters + iPad Mini 4 + Car & AC Multiple Battery Charger = $2,260.00 MSRP
Selling Complete Kit for $860.00!